Advanced Attributes Management


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Brings additional flexibility to create typed custom fields linked to your entities.

Missing fields, values to help you sort and organize your customers, vendors, or lots?

Advanced attributes Management brings additional flexibility to create typed (date, text, option, integer) custom fields linked to your entities without custom development.

It could be used to:

Customers / vendors:
  • Need to organize detailed market analysis segmentation,
  • Want to register additional information such as security deposit value, certification requirement (with default option proposal) or next quality check date.
  • Consolidating customers holding to the same group
On Lot No Information, register lot specific values such as
  • Technical control deadline,
  • Quality check result
  • Lot properties that would match specific customer requirements (item’s origin, grading result, etc…)

Supported Editions:

This app supports the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages:

All languages linked to the countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.
